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Message from the
President of DOWAS |
Chairman Koji Otsuka
COVID-19, which has led to a pandemic in 2020, has completely changed the world and the sense of values of most people. Many around the world have become more familiar with the fear of disease and death. Many people living in developing countries or conflict areas, of course, have long confronted such fear. In this time, even people living in metropolitan areas in developed countries have been pushed into the abyss of fear. They have likely thought deeply about life and death. Recent trends towards globalism have been undone by infection control measures. A very long time will be required to freely travel around to various counties again. The reductions in international connectivity has raised people’s sense of belonging to their own countries, communities, and families.
I feel that this new sense of values will change the resources required to build sustainable societies. Even though deep ocean water is surely one of the important resources to build the infrastructure of sustainable societies, it is not appropriately evaluated by the public as its resource density is much lower than that of fossil resources, in other words, it is economically disadvantageous. I, however, believe that many people sympathize and support the idea that we must choose sustainable resources even if it is economically disadvantageous. On this occasion, I would like to make deep ocean water, which is an essential resource for sustainable societies, known to the public.