Message from the President of DOWAS
Let’s excavate attractive challenges of deep ocean water resource utilization and its promotion

Masayuki Mac Takahashi

Masayuki Mac Takahashi  In 1996, 7 years after the first intake pipe of deep ocean water (DOW) was constructed on land in 1989 in Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, foods and drinks made from DOW came into the market. Since then a great variety products of foods and drinks, and cosmetics have been developed. Many of them made use of minerals, nutrients and/or cleanliness of DOW. DOW attracted people’s attention as thallasotherapy. Low temperature and cleanliness were also challenged for keeping and culturing low temperature fish and shellfish.
 Unique DOW utilizations have now been challenged. One is the case in Rausu, Hokkaido, where low temperature and cleanliness of DOW has been used for clean and safe treatment of fish after catch. According to the trouble of salmon roe infected by O157 some years ago, low temperature with clean condition has been recognized as essential for fish and shellfish treatments after catch. Salmon caught by set net are now immediately put into a holding tank filled with cold DOW, and be handled cold clean condition throughout treatments from unloading to packing using DOW.
 Second is an example in Nyuzen, Toyma Prefecture, where a factory producing retort rice was built nearby the DOW pumping facility and was saved 95% electricity for air-conditioning using DOW at 5℃. DOW heated to 16℃ after air-conditioning was then supplied to abalone culture which greatly saved the cost of oil for heating. Waste DOW after culture was then supplied for seaweed culture. This is an excellent multi- step utilization of DOW resources.
  The above 2 are new business challenging examples for DOW resources. I wish DOWAS excavate new challenges and make people’s attention as well as supporting them and making them in great development.