Deep Ocean Water Research October 2006 Vol. 7 Issue 1

Original Articles
Comparison of survival and growth in adult pelagic shrimp Sergia lucens between deep and surface seawater cultures 1-7


Growth of juvenile Ecklonia cava (Phaeophyceae) sporophytes cultured in pumped in Suruga Bay deep-sea water comparison with surface seawater culture and effects of irradiance and water temperature 9-15

K. Nimura, K.Okamoto and S.Takase

Oceanic research and possible evaluation of lithium recovery from deep ocean waters near Palau and Fiji islands 17-22

T. Wajima, K. Yoshizuka, T. Shimizu, K. Urata, T. Nakaoka J. Ichinose, K. Tabuchi, T. Kamano and Y.Ikegami

Review from Discourse
Biology in the twilight zone -Structure and characteristics of the mesopelagic ecosystem- 23-26

H. Saito
Rule for contributing articles to the journal “Deep Ocean Water Research” 27

Guideline for preparing articles to the journal “Deep Ocean Water Research” 28